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Larry Wallach Compositions Since 1983


Berkshire Rhapsody

I thank you God for chorus 1983

Echoes from Barham Down, for flute, string trio, and piano 1984

Antinomies for solo guitar 1984

Music of Spheres for flute, clarinet, cello, piano and percussion1985 Nonsemble for multiple recorders (one performer) and harpsichord 1985

Forest Music I for oboe, string trio, and piano 1986

Ghost Music for flute, clarinet, violin, and cello 1988

Five Pieces for violin and piano 1990

Nan's Waltz, for cello and piano 1990

Breath-Taking, for oboe and bongo drums 1991

Chamber Concerto for Harp, Percussion, and Chamber Orchestra 1992 Touch-piece for cello and piano 1992

Time-piece for guitar and wooden percussion 1993

Out of the Microcosm, for brass quintet 1993

Two Pieces for Three Cellos: Little Blue Trio-Triangular Serenade    

Partita on Simple Gifts for harpsichord 1995

Canzona for Flute, Clarinet, Violin, Cello, and Piano 1999

So Much Depends Upon Distance, three pieces for piano 1999 String Quartet (no. 1) 2002

Housatonic River Hymn for string quintet (with double bass) and chorus 2002

Flickering for solo piano 2003

Moving Along for viola, cello and piano 2003 Berkshire Morris Madness for wind quintet 2005

Hexagram: Wind Over Water for flute, vibraphone, harp and piano     2005

Odyssey Quartet for piano and string trio 2006

Song of the Fisherman for soprano recorder, violin, and bongo drums Duet for violin and viola, 2007

Forest Music II for oboe, harp, and string trio 2010 Trio for flute, oboe, and cello 2011

Jazz Sketch Suite for trumpet, double reed, saxophone, bass and percussion (2) 2013

Six Preludes and Fugues for Diverse Instruments 2013

(incl. Prel. & Fugue for Four Viols, pub. PJB Productions) Fiddling Alon(g/e) for solo violin 2013

El Adon, song for voice and piano 2013 Scherzo for piano 2013

Wond'rous Love Variations for harpsichord 2016

Winter Music for Percussion Ensemble, 2016

Berkshire Rhapsody for large orchestra 2017

Restless Hexachords for five viols 2017

Species of Motion for classical orchestra 2018

Pastorale for Clarinet and Harp 2019

Three Moods for piano 2020

Mycelium for chamber orchestra 2020

Three Pieces for Tenor Viol and Harpsichord 2020

Piano Quartet in three movements 2021

String Quartet no. 2 2021

Fantasy on "Give Me Your Hand" ("Tabhair dam do Lamh") for STB viols 2021

Piano Triptych 2022

Psalm 27 for voice and piano 2022

The Mysteries of Time: three pieces for flute, clarinet, harp, and strings 2023

The Mysterious Past-The Continuous Present-The Unknowable Future (Sphinxes)



Georg Bohm, Rigaudon, arr. For brass quintet

Meditations on Spirituals:

    Weary Traveler

    Motherless Child

Piano Rags Arranged for Trumpet, Trombone, and Piano

Scott Joplin's New Rag

Ragtime Nightingale (Joseph Lamb)

Slippery Elm (Clarence Woods)

Ragtime Bobolink (Joseph Lamb)

Piano Rags - Trumpet and Piano

Bethena (Scott Joplin)

Piano Rags - Violin and Pian

Bird-brain Rag (Joseph Lamb)

Graceful Ghost (William Balcom)

Larry Wallach Compositions Since 1983 ALPHABETICAL AS ABOVE, AS OF 1-18-24

Antinomies for solo guitar 1984

Berkshire Rhapsody

Berkshire Rhapsody for large orchestra 2017

Breath-Taking, for oboe and bongo drums 1991

Canzona for Flute, Clarinet, Violin, Cello, and Piano 1999

Chamber Concerto for Harp, Percussion, and Chamber Orchestra 1992 Touch-piece for cello and piano 1992

Echoes from Barham Down, for flute, string trio, and piano 1984

El Adon, song for voice and piano 2013 Scherzo for piano 2013

Fantasy on "Give Me Your Hand" ("Tabhair dam do Lamh") for STB viols 2021

Five Pieces for violin and piano 1990

Flickering for solo piano 2003

Forest Music I for oboe, string trio, and piano 1986

Forest Music II for oboe, harp, and string trio 2010 Trio for flute, oboe, and cello 2011

Ghost Music for flute, clarinet, violin, and cello 1988

Hexagram: Wind Over Water for flute, vibraphone, harp and piano     2005

Housatonic River Hymn for string quintet (with double bass) and chorus 2002

I thank you God for chorus 1983

Jazz Sketch Suite for trumpet, double reed, saxophone, bass and percussion (2) 2013

Moving Along for viola, cello and piano 2003 Berkshire Morris Madness for wind quintet 2005

Music of Spheres for flute, clarinet, cello, piano and percussion1985 Nonsemble for multiple recorders (one performer) and harpsichord 1985

Mycelium for chamber orchestra 2020

Nan's Waltz, for cello and piano 1990

Odyssey Quartet for piano and string trio 2006

Out of the Microcosm, for brass quintet 1993

Partita on Simple Gifts for harpsichord 1995

Pastorale for Clarinet and Harp 2019

Piano Quartet in three movements 2021

Piano Triptych 2022

Psalm 27 for voice and piano 2022

Restless Hexachords for five viols 2017

Six Preludes and Fugues for Diverse Instruments 2013

So Much Depends Upon Distance, three pieces for piano 1999 String Quartet (no. 1) 2002

Song of the Fisherman for soprano recorder, violin, and bongo drums Duet for violin and viola, 2007

Species of Motion for classical orchestra 2018

String Quartet no. 2 2021

The Mysteries of Time: three pieces for flute, clarinet, harp, and strings 2023

The Mysterious Past-The Continuous Present-The Unknowable Future (Sphinxes)

Three Moods for piano 2020

Three Pieces for Tenor Viol and Harpsichord 2020

Time-piece for guitar and wooden percussion 1993

Two Pieces for Three Cellos: Little Blue Trio-Triangular Serenade    

Winter Music for Percussion Ensemble, 2016

Wond'rous Love Variations for harpsichord 2016



Bethena (Scott Joplin)

Bird-brain Rag (Joseph Lamb)

Georg Bohm, Rigaudon, arr. For brass quintet

Graceful Ghost (William Balcom)

Meditations on Spirituals: Weary Traveler-Motherless Child Piano Rags Arrar,ged for Trumpet, Trombone, and Piano

Piano Rags - Trumpet and Piano

Piano Rags - Violin and Piano 

Ragtime Bobolink (Joseph Lamb)

Ragtime Nightingale (Joseph Lamb)

Scott Joplin's New Rag

Slippery Elm (Clarence Woods)

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