... smooth and sophisticated ... Mr. Wallach opened up the texture with ingeniously varied scoring.
— New York Times
... a dreamy, sparse quality ... builds into cinematic swells of soaring song craft.
— Take Effect Reviews
The piece perfectly captures ... a vortex of motion."
— Barry Walmsley, conductor, musician and writer, Australia
Your music is beautiful with an inner atmosphere and the structure of the piece is absolutely excellent. It was a really great experience.
— Stanislav Vavrinek, conductor of the recording with the Janacek Philharmonic Orchestra of Ostrava, Czech Republic
Larry Wallach’s program notes for his Species of Motion give the impression that the piece wrote itself. Through “shifting relations between pulse, meter, and momentum,” Wallach tone-paints the process of dreaming: his dreams move from vague to visual to narrative to, for lack of a better word, real – before playing out in reverse...The Janáček Philharmonic Orchestra gives an excellent impression of perpetual motion.
— Serenade, India’s first Western classical music portal
It was terrific. Such wonderful textures and metric shifts and melodies and color galore. You have a wonderful ear and a refined dignity and brilliance to your music, and you are a master orchestrator. That shimmering opening was stunning! The orchestra played beautifully.
— Sheila Silver, composer

Larry greeted by conductor ___ after the premiere of Species of Motion.

The Orchestra Now tuning up for the public premiere of Larry Wallach's Species of Motion, 2024